I feel this. What about you?
Have you ever found yourself being in the same irritating/frustrating situation, meeting same irritating people again and again? Yes? Oh okay. Let me tell you, you are not alone. But then have you ever thought about it? Have you ever taken out some time to ponder about the same? No? Please do so. Very recently, recently means today evening only, I just asked this question to myself, unconsciously or to be specific, subconsciously and an answer emerged. I felt, I am being put in similar situations, meeting certain type of people again and again to learn something which perhaps I am not learning successfully. I don't know who gave me this answer. Have I read it anywhere? Have I have heard it anywhere? Did my collective conscious told me this? Did one of the books on Past life and related parapsychology knowledge, which I have read, provided me this answer? I simply don't know. I strongly believe, we have come here to learn something and to unlearn something. To take it littl...