6 or 9? I feel, it's both.
She said that that is 6 but he denied and claimed that that is 9. Both of them they kept on fighting with each other till hours,over this. But they didn't realise that they were standing in front of each other and hence what was 6 for her was 9 for him and which was very natural and obvious. This is not a story from any other planet. This is our 'common' story. We are so stuck to perceive things from our perspectives and to believe them as true that sometimes (actually very often) we deny others' reality. We are so 'sure' about our perspectives, opinions, thoughts that we often overlook and sometimes disrespect others' point of views. We see 6 and others see 9. Who is at fault here? I think both the parties. Being stuck at own perspectives and opinions and thus disrespecting and denying that of others is one of the root causes (or rather the only one) of most of fights on this planet. There is beautiful theory in Social Psychology, 'Contact hypothes...