Moments of Reflection...

Today we fight with each other on very minor issues. We tend to get angry easily. We get jealous of each other, compete with each other. We are forgetting nature and exploiting it. We are getting dependent of technology unnecessarily. We are getting trapped in momentary pleasure and leading towards hedonistic culture. No doubt, its a by-product of glottalization. But where are we heading? Do we ever think? Or do we even care to think about it?

We throw the wrappers on street or outside the train windows. We let the water tap open unnecessarily. While doing this we don't care or not even think about people living in desert areas. Not even one single thought about them crosses across our mind. We still ask for dowry (Though in disguised forms). We still pray for male child. We still disrespect women and abuse them by every mean. We deny the rights of LGBTQI community. We have divided eminent figures, saints and even Gods and claiming our right and authority over them. We fight with each other on the basis of language, community, caste, religion, gender and sex and external beauty. We compete with each other. We are enjoying comfort but getting insecure from inside day by day. We are blaming others for life which we are living. We are not taking responsibility of our actions.

What are we doing? What are we proving? What are we going to pass to our future generations? Treeless infertile desert, dry rivers, information loaded laptops, tabs and Ipads, desensitized heart, contaminated mind? Do we have answer for this?

I think the only answer to solve every single problem mentioned above is learning to empathize and being sensitive towards self and others. We need to love self and each other unconditionally and without expecting anything. We should not think about momentary pleasure and get trapped into the hedonism. We should try seeing ‘Big Picture’, the ideal tomorrow. We need to unlearn many things and need to learn many new, positive and healthy habits and actions. I think this positive, constructive thought will change our entire cognitive, thus behavioral system leading to change in emotional system also and which will again lead to the positive, constructive cognitions and the healthy cycle will keep moving automatically.

Take care. :)

Thought-seed Courtesy - Angad Baste


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