"Yuddh kar"...

Nihar was upset. He didn't score good in his semester exam. He was very sad. Phenomenally observant mother observed this. She broke the silence.
"What happened Nihar?" Mother knew the reason but she still asked.
" Nothing."
"What nothing. You look so down. Tell me."
"I got less marks in my exams. I didn't expect this."
"That's why my mood is down."
"Don't take me wrong or don't feel that I am criticising you but just tell me frankly. Had you prepared enough for your exams?"
Nihar got surprised with question and got trapped in reflective thoughts. Within few seconds, he replied, "No. I didn't prepare enough."
" Hm. Right. So then what's the point in becoming sad? You didn't fought for what you wanted then how can you expect victory?"
Nihar started contemplating...

Isn't it a case with most of us? First most of us, we don't know what we want in our life. And if we know then we don't fight for it. In Marathi there is a proverb -  'असेल  माझा हरी तर देईल खाटल्यावरी...' It means, if God exists, he himself will feed me (I don't need to do anything). How is this possible? Has God ever helped them who have not acted? Definitely not. Then how can we expect that we would get what we want without fighting for it?

Now fighting here doesn't mean actually getting into the physical or verbal fights. Here fight means a healthy combination of perseverance, determination, faith and action. Kindly don't confuse these with manipulation or politics.

'Perseverance' is very much important to let you achieve what you want. But it should be systematic. Trying hard doesn't mean trying aimlessly or without proper plan. Second, 'determination'. 'Determination' is very very essential because until you have it, you haven't dreamt enough. Third, you should have 'faith' in your 'perseverance' and 'determination'.  You should know how to focus your entire mental energy on your goal. Without 'faith' everything is fruitless. And last but not the least, the most important is 'the action'. You have everything but you don't act only,what's the use of everything else having in place? You have daal, haldi, salt etc everything ready. You put it all in vessel also but if you don't give tadaka or you don't put it on gas burner, how you are going to get edible daal?

I have seen many people ( including me sometimes ) who cry for not getting what they want. But they simply overlook or dont understand one fact that until and unless they try,they fight for what they want, they are not going to achieve what they have dreamt of...

If you know you deserve something then just dream it and fight for it. Receiving the 'wanted' after chasing it for long time, you will be at highest level of happiness. But don't get scared of this battle. See the beauty in that. You may get success very early in your phase of battle or you may take more time. Don't think about time. Let it decide for itself. Your duty is to fight... So fight and achieve what you want...

Wish you all the very best.
Take care. :)

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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