"जिना इसिका नाम हैं..."

I and my friend, we both got inside the train. We were travelling to home from our office. Thankfully,train was not that crowded today. We started searching for place to sit. My friend got one and I too got it within next few minutes. 

I sat. There was a girl, who was sitting beside me on my left side, near the window. She was around 26-27. I guessed so. I and my friend, we were busy in chatting. The next station came and a lady entered with two kids. One of them swiftly came to the window, near us and started looking outside. Little children have this very common and genuine attraction towards windows, so we have. Well, we were still busy in chatting. After couple of seconds, the girl beside me requested me to shift little bit to my right side. I wondered,'why?' Generally people sitting at the end of the seats request the next person to shift little bit but why she was saying me to shift. I got confused. She told me,"Just move little bit so that this little kid can sit near this window." And I automatically shifted little more to my right side. She smiled and looked outside the window. That little kid first denied to sit but then when his mother (The lady with whom he had entered the train, I supposed that she was his mother) told him to sit. So he sat and happily looked outside the window. He got engrossed in looking outside. And I happened to look inside, inside my mind. 

I thought, how different people are! Some travelers don't even give forth seat in the local trains easily and some like this girl, sitting beside me, request others to give place to someone to sit. This was insightful incident as I naturally understood certain things, 'newly'. First, 'we should sometime show our innate kindness as per the situation'. It is needed to show sensitivity and humanity today, where world is getting more and more robotic and mechanical. Our seemingly small gesture/act of kindness can bring smile on someone's face. And it can give you immense happiness. Second thing I learned is,' we should always try to make adjustments'. Life is full of adjustments. You yourself have to get adjusted with the world. You need to make adjustments in life in some or the other form. Adjustments made by you, will always make you more flexible and happier. It stretches your threshold of tolerance and patience. Human beings are change-resistant, by their innate nature. But to get adjusted you need to change, either your thoughts or behavior or both at the same time. 

I feel 'showing kindness' and 'making adjustments' are two important tasks we should perform everyday in our life. Don't you think so? I am sure it will make us feel happier, more satisfied and lighter. We all want this world to be kind and loving but we find that its not happening. Why? Because we ourselves are not taking initiative. If we keep on thinking that other should take initiative to show kindness or love then only I reciprocate then it will be a business - 'I will do this then you do that. And when you will do this, I will do that'. Are we working in some business firm with a super cool name 'world' or 'life' or we are living a life? We are forgetting that we are human beings and not machines. We are becoming more and more practical and mechanical day by day. Human relations are not transactions, as how they are treated most of the time by most of us (Though I know ultimately everything will 'counted'(by the supreme power),we should not 'count' it.). One act of kindness, one little adjustment can make someone really happy and to you too. The more we pass  kindness, the more we will get it in double, triple amount. But I would go little further and say, let's not show kindness, or be loving or make adjustments so that others will reciprocate. Instead, let's do it out of sheer understanding and realizing the responsibility of being human. And I am sure if we do good without expecting anything, it will be 'better'. 

That girl taught me today, how to preserve 'kindness' and 'do adjustments' in day to day life, when world is really getting harsh and selfish. Hey girl, I don't know your name. But really "Thank you!" 

Take care. 

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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