And she taught me...

"I started wondering why only I am getting deeply involved in my relationships. I think I was so alone that only I needed people. But now I am feeling that its okay if you have less people in your life but the only need is that they should be genuine. We expect small small things from people and if they are not fulfilled, we get easily hurt. We should stop expecting but in this process we shouldn't they dry. As if we get dry, we can't enjoy life to the fullest. Am I right?" Her last question disturbed my link of listening to her thoughts which were her genuine reflection over her own life. I could just smile. What else I could have said to this little girl who was sharing her insights with me so honestly?  I was highly amazed and happy to see this girl who is considerably younger than me, reflecting over her life so truthfully. I could just smile and she smiled back.

Don't we expect small small things from people and get easily hurt if these expectations don't get fulfilled? We shouldn't expect anything in life if we genuinely want to become happy. Bhagwadgita also says -"मा फलेषु कदाचन". We need to stop thinking constantly in terms of I, my and mine. There is nothing which belongs to us. We all are so much attached with our body, belongings and people that we always think in relation to them. Most of us can't think individually. We are so much influenced by our multiple identities that we forget that beyond all these identities, we are a soul, the soul which has emerged from a supreme power which has created this entire universe. If we trust this that we have emerged from the supreme energy, we can draw that we are connected with that energy just like a mother is connected with her child. So if we are connected to it, we are not alone. The supreme energy is with us, within us, protecting us, guiding us and nourishing us. The unshakable belief in this energy is enough to remove our all anxieties.

But the question is how to trust. Most of people get stuck at this step. I think no one can really teach us how to believe in the God or in the self or in anything. Its just that inner force which gets generated through positive thoughts and some practice. We just need to 'leave' everything on him. He is there to take care of each one of us for everything. He won't leave us alone ever. We just need to believe in him with patience. So if doesn't leave us alone, where are we alone?Why do we need to stick to the people or cling onto them? It doesn't mean that we should stop creating or protecting the relationships in our life. We surely need to try our best to create, protect and nourish every relationship we have but it doesn't mean that we should force our relationships on others. And we also should not get attached to it or get entangled in it. Relationships should be healthy, as healthy as the supreme power. And such healthy relationships are based on least expectations. The extent to which our expectations are lowered, the extent of our happiness will go up. There is always an inverse relationship between 'the tendency to expect' and 'feeling of happiness'. So ideally we shouldn't expect.

The key to eternal happiness is to just live life in the present moment with no expectation from anyone. Just have faith in the supreme power and stay blessed.

I wish that girl a great happiness, a peaceful, prosperous and healthy long life with full of insights. Thank you for sharing your insights with me as I could reflect on my thoughts on the same...Hey child, stay happy and stay blessed.

Take care.

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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