Happy Women's Day

Today I had a beautiful discussion with one of my mentors which has deeply resonated with my thoughts about feminism, Women's day and related concepts.

Recently I have started feeling that the world has a total imbalance of masculine and feminine energy. There is lot of masculine energy outside - dominance, lot of calculations, extreme anger, violence, will to conquer, etc. And we have less feminine energy - True love, nurturance, empathy, collaborative approach, etc. And this imbalance is creating lot of hurdles in human progress. This was my analysis of current situation. I just happened to share this with my mentor, when she asked me a specific question. In reply, she said me something which I already knew since long time but today I could connect with it so deeply that I want to share that here. 

She politely asked me, don't you think that we women are responsible for this energy imbalance. There was a question on my face with a familiar smile. She turned her question into an explanation. According to her, these are women only who give away their power to men and then blame men to make them powerless. Most of women don't keep their own respect, let others ruin their self-esteem, keep on sacrificing for others, keep on changing the priorities for others and then eventually they feel that others (typically men) have made them to sacrifice. We; as a woman need to respect ourselves, need to adore ourselves, need to  love ourselves unconditionally before we expect that someone else would be doing the same for us. If we ourselves won't respect us, how would others respect us? We all women need to heal ourselves from our all old wounds, make free ourselves from our self-sabotaging thoughts and drop down all our past baggages. 

When she concluded her explanation on this note, I could connect it with the Existential Psychology principles of choice, personal and social responsibility and personal integrity. As Existential Psychology says, we all should honestly face our existential anxiety, fears and complexes; it will make us stronger, fearless and unstoppable. I think we all women should do this (of course, all men also should do this).

So all the beautiful women reading this post patiently for so long, let's try to heal ourselves from all the past wounds and drop down all the baggages we have been carrying for so long. Let's love ourselves unconditionally. I think, if we could achieve this even partially, it would be the best Women's day, right?

- Dipti S. A. Shinde
Lifelong learner of life


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