Affinity beyond words...

Having a cool and still intellectual group as friends and colleagues is just a blessing. And I am happy to have such kinds of beautiful hearts in my life.

I have recently joined my new office. But today I and my colleagues are friends. Two of them are elder to me. And yes, I should admit; I simply adore them. I talk to these two beautiful women daily. Our talks revolve around many topics; work related, politics, social, novels, poems, arts, life expiences and so on.

Today I spoke with one of them for long time. She practices Meditation and related practices. I was trying to understand her notion of meditation and was very eager to hear her experiences. What a beautiful and insightful discussion! At the end of it, I gained so much of new information, I can't tell you. Eventually, I also got why do I feel so connected with these two women. I genuinely feel we have some connection, a connection beyond some tags. 

I have such beautiful connection with few of my best friends also. Two are my school friends, one is from my college, few have just entered in my life with some beautiful coincidences. I don't know why do we resonate with each other so much. I don't know why do we listen each other without losing patience. What's this? I simply don't know. And I don't want to analyse it, though I want to discover it.

When I look at such relations, such friendships; I feel, I am getting richer and richer day by day. 

Have you met such people, who are not connected with you by blood, but they are connected with you by soul? I am sure you have met such people, though some of you perhaps not recognised such relations. Guys, don't waste your time to accept such beautiful soul connections. It's a soul family.

I always feel; we all are here to learn from each other, to love each other, to support each other, to empower each other, to nourish each other either directly or indirectly. 

It's simply indescribable that why some people complete your half sentences. It's simply adorable why some people feel your pain even when they are far away from you physically. It's simply incomprehensible some times that why do we feel connected with others in first meeting or first talk. Why do some people create a strong desire in you to know them, no one knows. Why do some people motivate you just by their presence, no one can explain. 

As I feel; some relations and some connections are not for any analysis, not for any description, not for any conclusion, not for any so called logical inquiry and not even for some external approval or traditional tag. Such realtions are just for gaining more and more insights, enjoying more and more and deeper love and connections, for enriching our lives and preserving our souls.

Have you met such people? Have you got connected?

I would like to hear back from you. 

©Dipti S. A. Shinde 
A lifelong learner of life


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