Half empty,half full or refillable?

Believe me it's all about your perspective. A same glass can be half empty for some, half full for some and refillable for remaining ones. A same situation can be perceived as threatening or challenging. A same response/feedback can be taken as source of discouragement or a source of stimulation/motivation.

It's all in your head. Really. It's only there in your head. It's totally up to you whether to pick positive or negative.

The person who sees positive in everything will always win in every situation. He will have control over his surroundings and not vice a versa. Isn't it a situation which everyone would like to experience? Of course it is. Everyone likes to have control over his surroundings. If they really wish so, they should know how to filter and how to take positive from everything. The person who finds negative in everything, who always blames others and situations in his life, will be always blaming. He won't be able to get control over his situation. Just imagine a scenario. You are being criticised by someone. You are listening to him/her but you are not responding at all. ( It could be really your fault or not. That's not a question. You are not letting it demotivate you, that's important ). Then how you will get hurt. You won't, right? People and situations are powerless without your reactions. Stay cool and just see positive in everything.

I read it somewhere, I guess on what's app - You have a potato, an egg and tea leaves. You put them all in three different vessels of hot water... The potato will become soft. The egg will become hard but when you crack it, you can get soft part of it. And tea leaves will give you nice flavoured tea, right. All of these three were given same treatment I.e. they were exposed to hot water. But they all reacted differently and led different products/outcomes altogether.

Which one is good and which one is bad, I will not get into it. As evey product has some or the other utility for everyone. Main point is what, it's upto you that how to react, how to perceive situation. It's all in your hand. Yes your own hands.

REBT school of Psychology states the same philosophy. It's not the situation/objects/people leading your emotions and reactions but your beliefs/perceptions about them.

Started thinking and contemplating? Cool... Think and take charge of your life. You will see miracles.

-Dipti S. A. Shinde


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