Travel travel and just travel

I might not have travelled much in my life but I know what it feels like. When I go to my native place, I found myself lost in many small small things.

Flowing river catches my attention. It shows me how to flow. Not matter what comes in the way. That transparent, pure water teaches me how to find a way even when there are some black, hard stones and rocks. It says - 'Will will find a way'. Such a beautiful and insightful lesson it teaches to us!

Those beautiful ,green trees teach me how to reach high but still staying grounded. Trees don't forget their roots even when they grow tall. They themselves stand in intense sunlight but offer cool shadow to the travellers. Aren't these trees telling us something? Of course they are. We should hear and listen to them.

Those big, greeny mountains and hills... Are they whispering something? certainly. They inspire us to reach high, to reach the sky and still remaining stable, unshakable. They are big and strong and appear rocky from long distance but they have greenery on them. This denotes that in spite of being strong and rocky they have the capacity to create something new. They possess the power of creation.

What an amazing nature!
Every natural element is telling you something. We should know how to hear and listen it.

During the travel you not only encounter these natural elements but you also come across various types of people. These people belong to different gender, religion, cast, socioeconomic status, educational and cultural background. They add on your experience. They definitely give you something. Talk to them, you will learn. Observe them, you will learn. They will enrich you. They will give you different perspective, different angles to look upon the things. Filter the things and take positive.

Travel travel and just travel.

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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