Meaningless to meaningful...

Have you ever thought or think that life is meaningless? Do you find most of the things or almost everything hopeless? Have you lost or are loosing interest in those activities which earlier you used to find to be pleasurable? Does everything irritate you or make you frustrated? Do you think that there is no way ahead?

If yes then wake up. Its time to reflect and introspect.

Sometimes we go through such experiences which make us think that nothing is going to be alright in this particular case. Our this attitude ultimately gets us nowhere in that particular case. And eventually we become unhappy. E.g. There is a student who wants to crack one competitive exam but has been unable to do that because he thinks that he cant crack that as its hard (As most of the people around him are saying this). Because of such a thinking pattern he doesn't give his 100% in preparation for the exam. Thinking that everything is hopeless and beyond own control, he leaves everything on his destiny. But tell me, is this going to help the student? Of course not.

To fight with ‘hopelessness’ only one key becomes useful and thats ‘hope’. Generate a hope within you and see how things get better day by day. Now you will ask,"How can we generate hope?” The answer is,try to recollect those good and positive memories where you had felt hopeful and have gotten good results or positive outcomes. These memories will give you hope and positivity. As you need to light the candle to eradicate darkness, you need to generate hope to fight with hopelessness.There is no other way.

We end up becoming hopeless because we dont think about situation in another way. We just stick to the one perspective to look at the things, objects, people and situations. Every situation, every person, every object is different. So we need to look at them with different angle every time.

Sometimes we feel that life is really meaningless. I agree, but partially, as I feel life is SEEMINGLY meaningless. But there is a meaning, a hidden meaning, which we have to search for. Happiness is not something which is easily observable all the time,some time we have to search for it.

Everything happens for the reaosn and definitely for the good reaosn which is beyond our understading at that particular moment. Let the time unfold seceret of hidden purpose. Think positive, be hopeful.

I had read it somewhere, the future you want to live in, you yourself need to create it. Believe me, you may find everything hopless or irritating but its seemingly hopless or frustrating. There is definitely something whcih is positive, which is good, which is pleasurable. Try to catch that, try to find it. One ray of light is enough to crack the thickest layer of darkness. Find that ray of hope or become that hope, for yourself and for others as well.

Wake up, introspect. Find out reasons why are you feeling hopeless. Once you find out the reasons, try to search for solutions to fight with this hoplessness. And implement.

Go on a walk. Get closed to the nature. Talk to positive people. Read inspirational books. Dance. Sing. Write. Draw and paint. Cook. Laugh with children. Play with them. Do anything out of these or other than these. But dont just do that. Feel the oneness in whatever activity you do. Enjoy the process. Dont get fixed on the outcome. Happiness,hopefullness, peace, love shouldnt be the goal of life rather they should be the way of life.

Take care. :)

- Dipti .S A. Shinde


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