A real 'Present'...

Don't we do this most of the time? Yesterday we had fight with our parents or partner or with someone very significant and we keep on thinking about that for next few days. This happens with you right? Don't worry. You are not a single person experiencing this. There are many more like you. Rather, everyone is as same as you in this regard. Feeling happy to know this? Well, wait. Story doesn't stop here. I will try to unfold some aspects about this.

Almost everyone can agree to the statement that a human mind is clingy. Intrinsically, we are very much comfortable and habituated with clinging to the things, people, events and even objects. We are too much dependent of our surroundings. We get easily attached with the things, people, events in our life and cling to them. And once we are clung, it becomes difficult for us to get detached from the things we have clung to. This is the reason why some are still sad due to some argument happened many weeks back (here people might have clung to various things like 'ego threatening' or breakage of expectations' etc stemming from main thought that  'how could he/she argue with me like that?'), some are dissatisfied with life as their partner does no longer meet their expectations (here the people have clung to the idea of an ideal partner or a partner with whom they were satisfied earlier). We see these and many more examples like these. Isn't it?

We humans, largely live in the memories. If the memories are good, we are happy and if they are bad then we are unhappy. We are so much attached with our past that we completely forget to live in the present. Some people are of next kind where they are so much occupied with future plans that they are either too excited or too much anxious which prevents them from concentrating on tasks at hand. Be it being attached with the past or with future, both are equally bad if they are really preventing you from enjoying the present moment.     

World's highly reverend philosophers, both, the lord Krishna and Gautam Buddha, have emphasised the fact that we should always focus on the 'present moment' as its highly essential and required to live healthy and fruitful life. Doesn't it make sense? It does make sense very much. Gestalt school of Psychology too emphasises on the concept of 'here and now' where they speak about the power of 'present moment'.

The eminent thinkers have said that what you think and do in the present moment, decides and shapes your future. And its a truth. The 'present' is really a wonderful 'present' which can be or rather should be utilised for the happiness, peace and prosperity of life.

So, enjoy the 'Present'. 

Take care.

-Dipti S. A. Shinde


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