Keep Moving Forward...

Today morning I received a Hike Daily positive quote. It has been said by Martin Luther King Jr - "If you cant fly then run. If you cant run then walk. If you cant walk then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward".

We see many people around us sometimes including us also who easily give up when the seemingly appropriate time has seemingly gone according to us. Many people say, when there was time, we didn't do that and now the time is not appropriate. But is it going to help us in anyway? Not at all. Time is always right and we make it more right or more wrong by our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Every person has an ability to succeed but he/she just needs to keep moving ahead. Progress is progress. No matter how long you have come. Even if you have traveled 2 centimetres far from where you were earlier, its a progress. Many people don't acknowledge this seemingly small progress which can be a lot for someone who had been stuck at one place for a long time. Even if some others could not acknowledge this progress of yours, let it be. You should always acknowledge and enjoy your progress, be it small or large.

Lets not get demotivated or discouraged if we could not fly. We can try to run. Even if we could not run, we can at least walk. And just assume that we could not walk too, we can at least crawl. Every person has some unique set of skills gifted by the supreme power. And we should utilise it. We all should try to move ahead as per our capacities. While extending it little further, I would also say that we should exceed our man-made limits and boundaries and try to always move ahead.

Most of people don't succeed in life because they live in extremities. They think in terms of 'white' and 'black'. They don't see 'grey' shades. They think that either we will get '100%' or if not then performance is just '0%'. It's not like that. As I said earlier, progress is progress. Be it small or large. It should be recognised and appreciated, in case of self and others too.

We should always move ahead. If in last exam I had gotten 60% and if I am directly thinking and jumping to 95% in next exam, its wonderful but even if that was not possible then I should at least get 65/70% but not lesser than 60% now.

Don't get scared by thinking that I have to climb entire mountain. Just focus on your step and then step next to earlier one and after some time you will realise that you are at peak of the mountain. In Marathi we say, " थेंबे थेंबे तळे साचे". Break down the larger goals in subgoals and focus on achieving these subgoals. And one day, you will enjoy fulfillment of your larger goal. This is the only process.

So keep moving ahead and ahead.

Have a successful day.

- Dipti S. A. Shinde    


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