"तोड दे सारे बंधन तू"

If you want to place your right leg ahead while walking, you need to lift your left leg up. Until and unless you leave the floor by lifting your left leg up,you can't walk ahead. Similarly if you want to move ahead in your  life, you need to leave all the negative experiences, memories, people,objects. Till the time you don't walk away from these negitivity, you can't see positive outcomes in your life. 

We talk about negative things in our life all the time and complain why nothing good is happening. Now there are two dimensions to this situation. One, really nothing good is happening and second, good things are also happening but we are not paying attention to them and just focusing on negative. I think second scene is more real... Right? Why is it so? Why don't we pay attention to the good things that are happening around us, either with us or with other people? Why do we talk about negative things, people, objects,situations,experiences,memories most of the time?

We want to see good happening in our life and we speak about negative things... What a paradox! Isn't it? I think we should think about it.

Thinking about negative things most of the time prevents good things from entering in our life. It not only consumes our time but also our mental and spiritual energy. Then why do we do that?

I had seen a photo on one of the social networking sites where a stone had been tied to a balloon by a thread and the written caption was - 'The balloon will go high only if it gets separated from the stone.' How true is that! We definitely need to separate ourselves from such stones, like our negative experiences, memories, objects, people,situations to reach high, to move ahead in our life.

Now how can you do that? I used the word 'separate'. Do we need to actually Separate ourselves from negative things including everything that I mentioned above? We have two options. We can actually get separated from negative things or we can try to look for positive in that. In case of people also we all come across different different kind of people. Some of them can be highly negative - negative about self or others or about both. Now we have two options - we can either stay away from them physically or psychologically or by both the means or will try to see some good in them. (we can actually try to imbibe positivity in them... But that's a different topic altogether)

The only point I want to highlight is that we should know how to filter the things. We should know how to avoid negative and how to get closed to the positive.

Life is too small to be so negative. Let's understand that 'That' thread only we can and we need to cut which has tied us to that STONE. Only we can free ourselves from the past baggage. Only we can break those shackles which are preventing us from flying high. Let's break it.

"तोड दे सारे बंधन तू,
मचने दे पायल का शोर..."

- Dipti S. A. Shinde



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