"Say Sorry, Say Thanks"...

Recently I heard a case where a lady tells her servant  to not to answer back even if she scolds at him unnecessarily. She said him that she will displace her anger on him. Thankfully the servant had enough self respect to say 'good bye'. After hearing this, I was asked my perception about this case. I said what I felt - Some people feel that they have hired a servant means they have own him/her. They treat him/her as if he/she is their property. They take their servants for granted. Isn't it insensitive and inhuman?

When I reflected on this case I thought but we all some or the other time take people,specially those who are closed to us, for granted. So it's also inhuman and insensitive if my previous statement is right?

Now this differs from case to case. In closed relationships, sometimes we don't mind if we are taken for granted. But definitely at some point we won't like if others take us for granted. Our self- esteem will definitely get threatened.
As we won't like if someone is taking us for granted, we also shouldn't take others for granted ever.

We say that we shouldn't say 'Thank you' go people who are closed to us as it means that they are not 'really closed' to us. I never understand this philosophy. Why we shouldn't say 'Thank you' or express gratitude towards those who have really helped us. Be them closed to us or whatever but I think we should express gratitude towards people if they have really done something for us. I am not saying that 'thanks' has to be extended at every small thing but after a considerable time it has to be extended.

People say,"Dosti mein no sorry,no thank you'. But why? Aren't we taking our friends for granted by following this philosophy? Believe me, 'sorry' and 'thank you' at the right time to right people, nourish and enrich the relationships.

Do you say 'thank you' to your mother or father or brother or sister on right time? I know most of us will say 'No'. Why? Don't they deserve our 'expressed gratitude'?

If people are helping you, say 'thank you', if you hurt someone, say 'sorry'. What's the big deal? Let others think it's formal. You don't think so. Don't think that you are creating distance between your loved ones and you. Rather think that you are expressing your gratitude and you are not taking them for granted.

Feel grateful and thankful for the favours others are offering you. And don't just feel them, express them. When you express the gratitude, your relationship gets deeper and deeper and you get closer to your loved ones.

So kindly be kind enough to be grateful and thankful. Express...

Take care. :)

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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