Hobbies... Surely they create you!

"Do you like to play? Then play. Do you like to sing? Then please go ahead. Do you like to dance. Please do that. Whom are you waiting for? You enjoy cooking? Wow. Kindly do that whenever you can. Do you like to ..... Then please ....."

You must be thinking what I am talking about. I am doing nothing but telling you to enjoy your hobbies.

Hobby is an action which you like to do or you tend to do when you are free from your obligatory duties.

We develop hobbies mostly in our childhood. We adopt hobbies through the means of observation of others or out of our own experiences.

It's very much important to persue our hobbies. We should never leave them. Hobbies make you utilise your time. They improve your cognitive and emotional well-being. They let you express yourself in appropriate way. If you can paint or sketch well, this painting or sketching will allow you to express your thoughts, emotions through pictures. If you write, writing will make you express you through words.

Hobbies serve one of the most important mechanisms of human life. They let you go through a process of 'Catharsis'. 'Catharsis' is nothing but a process of releasing your repressed emotions. It's very much healthy for your physiological and psychological well-being. They make you relaxed and happy.

Hobbies give you strength. It teaches you many things, provided with you are receptive enough to absorb the learning. They improvise you. They help you becoming better product.

Every hobby cant turn into a passion but when it becomes a passion, it gives more good results. 

So what are you waiting for?
Feeling to sing?
Go ahead. Stage is yours.

Have a hobby-persuing life!

Take care. :)

- Dipti S. A. Shinde   


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