Wear the confidence...

Aatmaja is very intelligent. She is good academically as well as practically. But she didn't have confidence. Because of low level of confidence, she had lost many opportunities. Once she was asked to anchor one program. But inspite of having good communication skills she rejected the opportunity. How sad! Isn't it.

There are many people around us who are potentially very good, capable but because of lacking self confidence,they have messed up with opportunities or have rejected the opportunities. Why? Why don't we believe in us?

If you try to go to the depth of this issue, you will find many reasons for this lack of Self confidence. One of the important and crucial factors is the reactions you have been receiving since childhood about your success or failure. There are people who have been told that you are useless, you are dull, you can't do anything, bla bla... Receiving such comments hampers the process of development of Self confidence in children. Now this part is different that some children take it positively and conquer these negative comments. But all the fingers are not same, right? Negative comments hurt more when they are made by our loved ones, dear ones. Second important reason responsible for low level of Self confidence which I think is 'observation and blind imitation'.  Children grow up seeing their parents, caregivers, friends or neighbours being less confident, become less self confidant. Gender also play an important role in confidence building. There are many such reasons. Low level of Self confidence can be hereditary also. So there are many reasons. But we shouldn't end up reinforcing them. We should try to fight against these reasons.

First important step you can take to improve your self confidence is to become aware of the fact that yes you have low level of it. Then try to explore the reasons. And once you explore the reasons, take out all your weapons and fight against it.

Don't become pessimistic about future by getting entangled in past failures. Remember and believe that your past can't control your future, until and unless you permit it to do so. Get rid of all the past baggage containing negative comments, experiences, thoughts, emotions etc. Don't let it touch you and break you from inside. Believe, you are strong. You are the creation of the supreme power. That power is your origin. So how can you be weak? You are not allowed to be weak. You can't be weak at all. You possess all those powers which the supreme power has. The only need is to realise those powers. So why are you spending time in doubting yourself? Why are you continuously criticising yourself? Why are you carrying baggage of past failures? It's none of your business. Move out of it. Get rid of it and move ahead.

Stand up in front of mirror and say,"I am the  best. I am the creation of almighty so I am the strongest. I am powerful. I am creative and innovative. I am intelligent enough to solve my current as well as possible problems". Say it and believe it. And see the miracle.

Use your hobbies or the arts you love to increase your self confidence. They will surely make you strong. You may still doubt yourself. It's okay to doubt on you for a second. But don't let it down you. On the very next moment switch your mind to positivity and act.

Aatmaja has started believing in herself. Now she is doing good, rather excellent. She is no longer a prisoner of her self doubt. She has come out of it. She is now like a free bird which is flying high without any fear or self doubt. What a state! Isn't it?

Have a self believing life.

Take care. :)

- Dipti S. A. Shinde 


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