"I will meet you there..."

I was just scrolling down my Facebook page and I happened to look at a post - 'Having soulmate is not about only having love. You can find it in your friend too.'

Such a beautiful but highly ignored reality!

Some people believe that their boyfriend/girlfriend is only their soulmate. Those who don't have lover think that their to-be husband/wife only will be their  soulmate. But some of them definitely feel that if they would have waited a little long, they could have met the one whom they were looking for.


But what do we mean by soulmate?  I think soulmate is one with whom you can share your all the thoughts, emotions, opinions, beliefs, perceptions without being hesitant. It's a place where you feel safe, protected, special,gifted and thankful. You love that person, you believe in him/her. You respect, you adore that person from depth of your heart. You feel like singing together, dancing together. You feel energetic, positive, motivated when you are with him/her. You are connected with him/her  but may be not attached. This person inspires you, makes you believe in yourself. He/she makes you unfold the hidden layers of your soul. You feel complete, you feel blessed to have him/her in your life. You may fight with each other, get upset with each other but don't give up on each other. When you are with him/her or when you are thinking about him/her you feel, you are at home, you feel you belong there. You love and respect each other unconditionally. You simply see him/her in you and find you in him/her.

That's what my definition of soulmate.

Now tell me can't we find all this in friend also. Definitely we can. I have seen some deep friendships, also relationships in my life. I could see all the qualities in those connection which I have mentioned above. I simply adore such relationships. They make me feel awesome.

What are you thinking? Reflecting back on your life and thinking whether have you come across your soulmate or dreaming about your soulmate? Great. If you have found your soulmate, feel grateful, be thankful towards the ultimate power to let you get connected with him/her. This soulmate can be your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, friend,your books,your pens, any of your hobbies. Anything, really anything.

Don't know why but here something I am  thinking of - "I will meet you at that place which is beyond right and wrong,pure and impure, ethical and unethical, beautiful and ugly and free from all the judgements, evaluations and restrictions."

Take care. :)

- Dipti S. A. Shinde


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